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Knight of the Heart (knightsheart)

Poetry, Short stories, Blog, Titan

Tag Archives: Flight 77

At the Memorial

I say nothing

You hear everything

Unsaid in our heart.


At the Memorial

I never let go of you

You hold in love

Our heart never alone.


At the Memorial

I see familiar names

You see my face

Sorrow in our heart.


At the Memorial

I smell today not the Day

You breathe hope

Shared in our heart.


At the Memorial

I am not dead

You are here

Our heart alive.



/ for me, my loved ones, and all the heroes of the Day – 9-11. We remember you absent friends – “united in memory” – as the words on the 9-11 chapel say. The chapel is where american airlines flight 77 struck the Pentagon. There is a book with pages provided the families to celebrate the life of each name engraved on the wall. We Remember; the shock as we realized from NYC that we were under attack, the impact, the fireball reflected in the windows of the inner ring, the smell, the smoke, the cracks in brand new walls, the silence of building, the first responders going into burning hell, the list of the living, the soda machines broken into to provide water for the triage at the ground zero cafe, the guards telling us to get away from the building as reports of an another plane headed toward Washington were received, the heroes of flight 93, phones not working as the living tried calling their families, the tears of joy when we came home, the list of the missing, we came back the day after to work while the building still burned, the volunteers that came to support the rescue and recovery operations, the tears as word of missing found dead spread, the people who could not go home forever, that people around the world reached out, the flags grew like flowers in the spring everywhere, a beautiful day became something else, an informal memorial grew on the hillside above the Pentagon, the wounded building standing with our nation’s flag on it, that “it is okay to cry”, and that life and love are precious gifts not to be given away. We remember and we are stronger.

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